Yujia Huang
Research Specialist
Yujia (she/her) is a research specialist in the Myhrvold lab, currently surveying Cas13's application in the diagnostic of Influenza. As part of a joint-degree program, she holds a B.Sc. from Cornell University and B.Eng. from Zhejiang University in China. She previously researched the LD-transpeptidase regulated outer-membrane remodeling in Legionella and Coxiella in the Sandoz Lab, and the anti-breast cancer mechanism of oleanolic acid at Liu Lab during her undergraduate studies at Cornell. She also investigated the regulation of iron-uptake and iron-homeostasis in Shewanella when she was back at Gao lab in Zhejiang University. Outside of the lab, Yujia is a vocalist, pianist (playing both solo and choral accompaniment), cook and figure skater.
Contact: yujiah@princeton.edu